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Using Digital Methods on Cultural Heritage Conservation- Case Study Erzurum

Tuna Kan

Historical cities and urban areas are spatial formations that describe the evolution of a society and its cultural identity; they are part of the natural and man-made environment. Historic cities and urban areas are living evidence of the past that shaped them. Therefore, the architectural heritage of a place contains all the material and spiritual traces and codes of that place in the historical process. They are tangible manifestations of that place's identity (Ulusoy Binan, 2017).

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İnsan Kaynakları Stratejileri

Burcu Özgül

İş dünyasında küresel düzeyde yaşanan rekabet, teknolojik gelişmeler ve pazardaki hızlı değişim, stratejik yönetimin önemini gözler önüne sermektedir. Açık sistem yaklaşımına göre işletmeler alt ve üst sistemlerden oluşmakta, bu sistemler birbirleri ile etkileşime girmekte ve tüm sistemi etkilemektedir. İşletmelerin küresel rekabette varlıklarını daim kılabilmeleri için alt sistemlerini oluşturan çeşitli fonksiyonları, stratejik yönetim sürecine göre düzenlemeleri elzem nitelik taşımaktadır. Özellikle, insan sermayesinin stratejik başarılarda en önemli faktörlerden biri olduğunun ve stratej ...Daha fazlası

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Metin Madenciliği ile hidrojen enerjilerinin değerlendirilmesi

Fatma Altuntaş

Metin Madenciliği ile hidrojen enerjilerinin değerlendirilmesi

Erişime Açık


Arzu Toğuşlu Kızbaz

Salvador Dali says: “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings”. This quote refers that imagery and creativity are unlimited. The world of theater is a world of magic. The elements, scenery, lighting, costume, effect, music and players are the main components of a play by stage adaptation for creating the magic of the theater. Equally the components contain empty spaces, which can be filled with the own experiences and according to the point of view by the director. These empty spaces can be formulated different, according to the director, who conveys his/ her messages to the audie ...Daha fazlası

Portfolio analysis of COVID-19-related patents using CRITIC-based TOPSIS approach

Fatma Altuntaş

Many firms are unaware of which patent is comparatively more important in their patent portfolio. A firm needs to prioritize patents in terms of effective management of its patent portfolio and efficient allocation of resources. The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the most impactful disasters affecting daily human life in the last century. It is critical to evaluate and prioritize technologies developed to reduce the impact of this pandemic. To this end, patents related to COVID-19 are prioritized with the CRITIC-based TOPSIS approach in this study. 935 patents-related data were obtained from the ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Pulse Density Modulation Controlled WPT Charger for LEVs

Güngör Bal

Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) are increasingly used today to provide mobility in crowded cities. The charging process of LEVs has been one of the issues that should be paid attention to. For this purpose, LEVs owned or rented by users need to be charged quickly and reliably. By using Wireless Power Transfer (WPT), this needed quick and reliable charging can be achieved for LEVs. In this paper, Pulse Density Modulation (PDM) is used for charging in Constant Voltage (CV) mode during wireless charging of LEVs with WPT. The simulation study required for CV charging was carried out with MATLAB/Simu ...Daha fazlası

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Beliefs of the Semi-Nomadic Turkic-Speaking Ethnic Group in Iran, the Qashqais

Venera Mustafayeva

The introduction of Islam ushered in an era of social and cultural change to the region. Some pre-Islamic sacred places have been transformed into Islamic ones, and the cult of saints absorbed elements of both local and Arab mythology. This volume which is a project initiated by the Balkan History Association, focuses on Islamic culture, traditions, and pre-Islamic beliefs in Central Asia. The chapters emphasize the importance of religious life, the significance of certain “sacred places,” and their role in the socio-spiritual life. The volume includes research spanning a period from antiquity ...Daha fazlası

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Aziz Tamer Güler

Dünya üstündeki kaynaklar günden güne azalmakta ve bu kaynaklar sadece belli güçler tarafından paylaşılmaktadır. Eski çağlarda ya da orta çağdaki gibi adlandırılmasa da sınıflar oluşmakta, her sınıf kendi özelliklerine uygun bir şekilde varlık mücadelesini sürdürmektedir. Egemen sınıflar, din, dil, politika gibi araçlarla ezilen sınıflara baskı kurmakta, her alanda kendi onayladıkları sistemleri dayatmaktadırlar. Kapitalizm geliştikçe bütün dünyada gelir adaletsizliğinin de etkisiyle ezilen sınıflar modern köleler haline gelmektedir. Üstelik bu sınıfların yaşam mücadelesi salgınlar, doğal afet ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Bilgisayar Oyunlarının Ortaöğretim Seviyesindeki Öğrencilerin Saldırganlık Düzeylerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Ramazan Bilge

Teknolojide yaşanan baş döndürücü gelişmeler eğitimden, iş dünyasına; iletişim kurma pratiklerinden gündelik yaşama kadar bireylerden toplumlara hemen hemen her kesimi etkilemiştir. Özellikle bilgisayar teknolojilerinde yaşanan ilerlemeler, alışılagelmişin dışında bir düzene geçilmesine yol açmıştır. Bu düzene uyum sağlayan alanlardan biri de şüphesiz oyun sektörüdür. Bilgisayar teknolojilerinin olmadığı dönemlerde bireylerin fiziksel olarak katılabildiği oyunlar, artık dijital ortama taşınmış ve özellikle gençlerin ve çocuklarının zamanlarının büyük çoğunluğunu harcadıkları alan haline gelmiş ...Daha fazlası

Where is digital retailing evolving? An evaluation from the perspective of digital retailing technologies

Cansu Gökmen Köksal

This study delves into the intricacies of digitalization in the retail industry and how it has evolved with the onset of the industrial revolution. It explores the dynamics of this process and proposes several frameworks for categorizing digital retailing technologies. Additionally, the study highlights the core technologies that are integral to this transformation. Moreover, it examines the shift from conventional retail practices to metaverse retailing, showcasing the distinctive attributes of this model. Lastly, the research delves into the factors that are set to shape the future of retail ...Daha fazlası

Wave Net-TSRS Model for Time Series Prediction in Finance

Aref Yelghı

In economies, it can be used as a very important money market instrument in terms of ensuring economic stability with central bank reserves and maintaining adequate liquidity. In recent years, researchers have focused on forecasting reverse fluctuation without influencing reserve factors. Interest, inflation, and exchange rate are used as finance economic variables in the estimation of economy reserves because those are influencing factors of reserves held in central banks that can cause their reserves to rise and fall. In the research, the monthly base data of China, Japan, South Korea, India ...Daha fazlası

A Brain MRI Segmentation Method Using Feature Weighting and a Combination of Efficient Visual Features

Taymaz Akan

Determining the area of brain tumors is an essential and fundamental step in automatic diagnosis and treatment systems. The authors present a method based on a combination of efficient visual features and fuzzy c-means clustering to detect brain tumors. For this purpose, first, the background area of the images is removed by the new thresholding method, then the useful and efficient features are extracted. The authors use this new feature space for clustering-based segmentation. The proposed clustering algorithm gives a different importance to the extracted features in the segmentation process ...Daha fazlası

6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu kapsamında yükümlülüklerimiz ve çerez politikamız hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için alttaki bağlantıyı kullanabilirsiniz.

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