Aslı Enez Darçın
İktisadi, İdari Ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi/Psikoloji Bölümü/Psikoloji Pr. /
Ünvan Profesör
YÖK Araştırmacı Numarası

Comparison of inflammation markers and severity of illness among patients with COVID-19, acute psychiatric disorders and comorbidity

Aslı Enez Darçındimer, fibrinogen, and comorbid illness are associated with the course and prognosis of COVID- 19. However, the course of acute severe psychiatric disorders overlapping with COVID-19 infec- tion was not investigated and remained as an unclarified research area. This study aimed to dem- onstrate inflammatory markers and the course of patients suffering from both conditions. Methods: Thirty-eight inpatients with COVID-19 and comorbid acute psychiatric disorders (COVID-19+PD), 31 inpatients with COVID-19, and 38 inpatients with an acute psychiatri ...Daha fazlası Makale2022European Journal of Psychiatry331 Görüntülenme


Aslı Enez Darçın İdrarda madde taraması hızlı sonuç vermesi, uygulanabilirliği ve maliyet avantajı sağlaması nedeniyle sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Avantajlarının yanında yanlış pozitif sonuç verebilmesi nedeniyle sonuçlar ikinci bir testle onaylanmadığı takdirde hastaların klinik takip ve tedavisinde uygun olmayan müdahalelere ve/veya adli vakalarda yanlış yönlendirmelere sebep olabilir. Biz bu vaka serisinde lamotrijin ile sentetik kannabinoidlerin olası çapraz reaksiyonuna dikkat çekerek rastlantısal olarak saptadığımız bu sonuçları sunduk. ...Daha fazlası Makale2021Türk Psikiyatri DergisiTürk Psikiyatri Dergisi94 Görüntülenme

Validation of the Collaborative Outcomes study on Health and Functioning during Infection Times (COH-FIT) questionnaire for adults

Aslı Enez DarçınBackground: The Collaborative Outcome study on Health and Functioning during Infection Times (COH-FIT; is an anonymous and global online survey measuring health and functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to test concurrently the validity of COH-FIT items and the internal validity of the co-primary outcome, a composite psychopathology “P-score”. Methods: The COH-FIT survey has been translated into 30 languages (two blind forward-translations, consensus, one independent English back-translation, final ...Daha fazlası Makale2022JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS ELSEVIER10 Görüntülenme

Association of BDNF Gene Val66Met Polymorphism with Suicide Attempts, Focused Attention and Response Inhibition in Patients with Schizophrenia

Aslı Enez DarçınIntroduction: The relationship between BDNF gene Val/Met polymorphism and clinical symptoms, attention and executive functions in patients with schizophrenia was investigated in this study. Also, BDNF Val66Met gene polymorphism was compared between patients and healthy controls. Thus, genetic factors that may affect both the etiology and cognitive functions in schizophrenia were evaluated. Methods: BDNF Val66Met gene polymorphism was investigated in 102 patients with schizophrenia and 98 healthy controls. Cognitive functions were evaluated by t ...Daha fazlası Makale2022Noropsikiyatri ArşiviNoropsikiyatri Arsivi103 Görüntülenme

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