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Sanatsal Ve Öznel Bir Eylem Olarak Amerikan Soyut Dışavurumcu Sanatta Kolaj Ve Nesne

Tuğba Renkçi Taştan

19. yüzyıl sonu ve 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısında ekonomik alanda yaşanan buhranlar ve büyük siyasi çalkantılar, sanat ve bilimde devrim oluşturan önemli ve köklü gelişmelerin ve keşiflerin ortaya çıkmasına zemin hazırlamıştır. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nın yarattığı yıkım tüm dünyayı etkilemiş ve kıta Avrupa’sında toplumsal, politik ve ekonomik alanda meydana gelen çöküş, sanatı da olumsuz etkilemiştir. Avrupalı yazarlar, sanatçılar ve bilim insanları Nasyonal Sosyalistlerin siyasi baskısı ve tehdidinden kaçarak, kendi ulusal sanat ve kültür ortamını oluşturmak isteyen Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ne gö ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Multi-Controller Model for Improving the Performance of IoT Networks

Cevat Rahebi

: Internet of Things (IoT), a strong integration of radio frequency identifier (RFID), wireless devices, and sensors, has provided a difficult yet strong chance to shape existing systems into intelligent ones. Many new applications have been created in the last few years. As many as a million objects are anticipated to be linked together to form a network that can infer meaningful conclusions based on raw data. This means any IoT system is heterogeneous when it comes to the types of devices that are used in the system and how they communicate with each other. In most cases, an IoT network can ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Harris Hawks Optimization Method based on Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition Systems

Cevat Rahebi

This paper discusses the momentum gradient dependent on the convolutional neural organization’s strong point. It is a new methodology introduced to detect evenness in the data set of faces. The proposed face recognition framework was created for various purposes. Through Gabor wavelet change, facial evenness was extracted from the face-preparing information. After that, we applied a profound learning process to carry out verification. After applying the proposed method to YALE and ORL data sets, we simulated them using MATLAB 2021a. Before this, similar trials were directly applied through Har ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

An Intelligent Anomaly Detection Approach for Accurate and Reliable Weather Forecasting at IoT Edges: A Case Study

Buket İşler

Industrialization and rapid urbanization in almost every country adversely affect many of our environmental values, such as our core ecosystem, regional climate differences and global diversity. The difficulties we encounter as a result of the rapid change we experience cause us to encounter many problems in our daily lives. The background of these problems is rapid digitalization and the lack of sufficient infrastructure to process and analyze very large volumes of data. Inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant data produced in the IoT detection layer causes weather forecast reports to drift away ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

An Approach Using in Communication Network Apply in Healthcare System Based on the Deep Learning Autoencoder Classifcation Optimization Metaheuristic Method

Cevat Rahebi

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder and afects the nerve cells that produce dopamine in the brain. In this paper, we investigated comparative studies on the diferent scenarios such as AutoEncoder and Ant Colony Optimization feature selection algorithms for the efective features in diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. These algorithms are implemented to the voice dataset obtained from online repository. Then selected features are presented to the Decision tree, SVM, K-NN, Ensemble, Naive Bayes and Discriminant classifers for each of the binary classifcation problems. The proposed ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Wireless Power Transfer

Güngör Bal

Wireless power transfer (WPT) is the process of transferring electrical energy from a power source to a load without an electrical connection. The reason why WPT has become popular today can be listed as the effects that make human life easier, the absence of cable complexity, etc. In the first section basic information are given about WPT, which many researchers are working on today, then a brief history of WPT is provided from past to present. The various types of WPT are briefly described and detailed information about WPT systems with magnetic resonant coupling is presented. Later, basic i ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Solution approaches for the bi-objective Skiving Stock Problem

Tolga Kudret Karaca

The Skiving Stock Problem (SSP) aims to determine an optimal plan for producing as many large objects as possible by combining small items. The skiving process may need different considerations depending on the production environment and the product characteristics. In this study, we address bi-objective 1D-SSP with two conflicting objectives. One common objective is to minimize the trim loss remaining after skiving, as removing the excess width is an extra procedure. When welding is an element of the skiving process, increasing the number of items for each product indicates compromised qualit ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

BA-CNN: Bat Algorithm-Based Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm for Ambulance Vehicle Routing in Smart Cities

Cevat Rahebi

This article proposes an ambulance vehicle routing approach in smart cities. The approach is based on the bat algorithm and convolutional neural network (BA-CNN). It aims to take transfer the patients confidentially, accurately, and quickly. The type of CNN used in this research is a residual network (ResNet). The node method is responsible for creating the city map. In the beginning, information about the accident place is received by the control station and forwarded to both the hospital and the ambulance. The driver feeds the data that contain the ambulance vehicle's node position and the a ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Street-Based Parking Lot Detection With Image Processing And Deep Learning

Ahmet Fatih Mustaçoğlu

Due to the rapidly increasing number of vehicles and urbanization, the use of parking spaces on the streets has increased significantly. Many studies have been carried out on the determination of parking spaces by using the lines in the parking areas. However, the usage areas of this method are very limited since these lines are not found in every parking area. In this research, a unique study has been presented to determine the empty and occupied parking spaces in the parking area by processing the images from the cameras located at high points on the streets with depth calculation, perspecti ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Elliptic Quaternion and Elliptic linear Interpolation

Melisa Rahebi

Spherical spline quaternion interpolation has been done on sphere in Euclidean space using quaternions. In this paper, we have been done elliptic quaternion linear interpolation on ellipsoid using elliptic quaternions. This interpolation curve is called Elerp elliptic linear interpolation. In addition, ESquad (spline elliptic quaternion interpolation) is defined by using the group structure feature of elliptic quaternion on ellipsoid.

Erişime Açık

Detection of phishing URLs with deep learning based on GAN-CNN-LSTM network and swarm intelligence algorithms

Cevat Rahebi

Phishing attacks are one of the challenges of the Internet and its users. Phishing attacks are an example of social engineering attacks based on deceiving users. In phishing attacks, fake pages that are very similar to legitimate pages are created on the Internet. In phishing attacks, the victim is directed to fake pages, and their valuable information is stolen. Most of the targets of phishing attacks include online payment services, banking, and online sales, so the losses of these attacks are significant. One way to detect phishing attacks is to use machine learning and deep learning method ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Leukemia Healthy and Unhealthy Detection with Wavelet Transform Based On Co-Occurrence Matrix and Support Vector Machine

Cevat Rahebi

Leukemia is a malignant disease and belongs in a broader sense to Cancers. There are many types of leukemia, each of which requires specific treatment. Leukemia is almost one-third of all cancer deaths in children and young people. The most common type of leukemia in children is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). In this paper, a new approach is implanted on Leukemia ALL database. For the method the wavelet transform is used for feature extraction, the gray level co-occurrence matrix is used. Also, for classification, the SVM (Support Vector Machine) method is used. The proposed method is the ...Daha fazlası

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