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Erişime Açık

Compression of images with a mathematical approach based on sine and cosine equations and vector quantization (VQ)

Cevat Rahebi

Compressing the image causes less memory to be used to store the images. Compressing images increases the transmission speed of compressed images in the network. Vector quantization (VQ) is one of the image compression methods. The challenge of the vector quantization method for compression is the non-optimization of the codebooks. Codebook optimization increases the quality of compressed images and reduces the volume of compressed images. Various methods of swarm intelligence and meta-heuristics are used to improve the vector quantization algorithm, but using meta-heuristic methods based on m ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Facial Recognition in Hexagonal Domain-A Frontier Approach

Onur Osman

Many face-recognition (FR) methods have been proposed thus far. Although FR has achieved wisdom in square pixel-based image processing (SIP) due to many studies, this wisdom has not been transferred to Hexagonal pixel-based image processing (HIP) until now. This study presents HIP versions of the most basic texture extraction studies in SIP, namely Gray-Level-Co-occurrence-Matrices (GLCM), Local Binary Pattern (LBP), and our recent work, local-holistic graph-based descriptor (LHGPD). The images are first transformed from the SIP domain to the HIP domain. The HIP domain equivalences (HexGLCM, H ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Adapted-RRT: novel hybrid method to solve three-dimensional path planning problem using sampling and metaheuristic-based algorithms

Mohammed Ahmed Shah

Three-dimensional path planning for autonomous robots is a prevalent problem in mobile robotics. This paper presents three novel versions of a hybrid method designed to assist in planning such paths for these robots. In this paper, an improvement on Rapidly exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm, namely Adapted-RRT, is presented that uses three well-known metaheuristic algorithms, namely Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), Incremental Grey Wolf Optimization (I-GWO), and Expanded Grey Wolf Optimization (Ex-GWO)). RRT variants, using these algorithms, are named Adapted-RRTGWO, Adapted-RRTI-GWO, and Ada ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Differential Diagnosis of Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis and Charcot Neuropathic Osteoarthropathy with Deep Learning Methods

Gökalp Tulum

Our study aims to evaluate the potential of a deep learning (DL) algorithm for differentiating the signal intensity of bone marrow between osteomyelitis (OM), Charcot neuropathic osteoarthropathy (CNO), and trauma (TR). The local ethics committee approved this retrospective study. From 148 patients, segmentation resulted in 679 labeled regions for T1-weighted images (comprising 151 CNO, 257 OM, and 271 TR) and 714 labeled regions for T2-weighted images (consisting of 160 CNO, 272 OM, and 282 TR). We employed both multi-class classification (MCC) and binary-class classification (BCC) approaches ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Netflix Verileri Üzerinde TF-IDF Algoritması ve Kosinüs Benzerliği ile Bir İçerik Öneri Sistemi Uygulaması

Hakan Aydın

Dijital platform kullanıcıları, bu platformların sunduğu özelleştirilmiş hizmetlerden yararlanmak ve bunları zaman ve mekan bağımsız olarak tüketmek istemektedirler. İnternet üzerinden yayın yapan bu platformlar arasında dünya çapında en yaygın olanlardan biri de Netflix’tir. Bu çalışmanın amacı TF-IDF (term frequency–inverse document frequency) algoritması ve Kosinüs Benzerliği (Cosine Similarity) ile Doğal Dil İşleme (NLP) ile Netflix kullanıcı verileri üzerinde bir içerik öneri sistemi uygulaması geliştirmektir. Bu bağlamda çalışmamızda yapılan analizler ile benzerlik yöntemleri ve uygun eş ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Otomatik gerilim regülatörü için hibrit bir denetleyici tasarımı

Güngör Bal

Senkron generatörler elektrik enerjisinin üretiminde temel makina olma görevini sürdürmektedir. Senkron generatörlerin çıkış gerilimi ve frekansı uyartım akımı ve devir sayısı değiştirilerek kolayca ayarlanabilmektedir. Genellikle senkron generatörler şebekeye bağlı olarak çalıştıkları için çıkış gerilimi ve frekansının sabit olması gerekmektedir. Gerilimin ayarlanması için kullanılan Otomatik Gerilim Regülatörlerinde çeşitli denetleyici sistemler kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada MATLAB/Simulink programında bulanık mantık tabanlı anahtarlamalı bir hibrit denetleyici yapısı önerilmiştir. Önerilen ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

BinBRO: Binary Battle Royale Optimizer algorithm

Taymaz Akan

Stochastic methods attempt to solve problems that cannot be solved by deterministic methods with reasonable time complexity. Optimization algorithms benefit from stochastic methods; however, they do not guarantee to obtain the optimal solution. Many optimization algorithms have been proposed for solving problems with continuous nature; nevertheless, they are unable to solve discrete or binary problems. Adaptation and use of continuous optimization algorithms for solving discrete problems have gained growing popularity in recent decades. In this paper, the binary version of a recently proposed ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Radiomics method in the differential diagnosis of diabetic foot osteomyelitis and charcot neuroarthropathy

Gökalp Tulum | Onur Osman

Objectives: Our study used a radiomics method to differentiate bone marrow signal abnormality (BMSA) between Charcot neuroarthropathy (CN) and osteomyelitis (OM). Materials and Method: The records of 166 patients with diabetic foot suspected CN or OM between January 2020 and March 2022 were retrospectively examined. A total of 41 patients with BMSA on MRI were included in this study. The diagnosis of OM was confirmed histologically in 24 of 41 patients. We clinically followed 17 patients as CN with laboratory tests. We also included 29 nondiabetic patients with traumatic (TR) BMSA on MRI as th ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ambulance Vehicle Routing using BAT Algorithm

Cevat Rahebi

In this paper, ambulance vehicles are routed using BAT algorithm. The city map is created by node method. The control station receives the information about accident place and then this information is communicated to the ambulance and hospital. The drive feed the data i.e., node position of the accident and ambulance vehicle in the bat algorithm based vehicle routing method and it provides shortest path for reaching accident place to driver. After reaching accident place, drive feed the position of the accident place and hospital position in the bat algorithm vehicle routing method and it prov ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Using Machine Learning: A Survey

Cevat Rahebi

Abstract: Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting the central nervous system and cognitive processes, explicitly impairing detailed mental analysis. Throughout this condition, the affected individual’s cognitive abilities to process and analyze information gradually deteriorate, resulting in mental decline. In recent years, there has been a notable increase in endeavors aimed at identifying Alzheimer’s disease and addressing its progression. Research studies have demonstrated the significant involvement of genetic factors, stress, and nutrition in developing this condition. The u ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Evaluation of Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms for NMR Chemical Shift Assignment

Sima Etaner Uyar

An automated NMR chemical shift assignment algorithm was developed using multi-objective optimization techniques. The problem is modeled as a combinatorial optimization problem and its objective parameters are defined separately in different score functions. Some of the heuristic approaches of evolutionary optimization are employed in this problem model. Both, a conventional genetic algorithm and multi-objective methods, i.e., the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithms II and III (NSGA2 and NSGA3), are applied to the problem. The multi-objective approaches consider each objective parameter s ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Frequency-dependent dielectric, electric modulus, and ac conductivity features of Au/n-Si Schottky diodes (SDs) with PVC and (PVC:Graphite/Graphene-Oxide) interlayer

İlke Taşçıoğlu

To determine the interlayer effect on dielectric features and conductivity, Au/n-Si (S-0), Au/PVC/p-Si (S-1), and Au/PVC:Gt-GO/p-Si (S-2) type SDs were grown onto the same n-Si wafer and their admittance measurements performed between 100 Hz and 1 MHz. The observed decrease in C and G/omega values as frequency increases shows that the charges at the interface-states (N-ss) can easily follow ac-signal and supply an excess capacitance and conductance at lower frequencies. Using C and G/omega data at 1.5 V, the dielectric-constant ('), dielectric-loss (''), and loss-tangent (tan delta) were obtai ...Daha fazlası

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