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Süresiz Ambargo

A multimodal butterfly optimization using fitness-distance balance

Taymaz Akan

Due to the multimodal nature of real-world optimization problems, in recent years, there has been a great interest in multi-modal optimization algorithms. Multimodal optimization problems involve identifying multiple local/global optima. Niching techniques have been widely used to tackle multi-modal optimization problems. Most of the existing niching methods either require predefined niching parameters or extra information about the problem space. This paper presents a novel multimodal algorithm based on Butterfly Optimization Algorithm, which is constructed using the Fitness-Distance Balance ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

2D Vector Representation of Binomial Hierarchical Tree Items

Metin Zontul | Seda Karateke

Today Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms need to represent different kinds of input items in numeric or vector format. Some input data can easily be transformed to numeric or vector format but the structure of some special data prevents direct and easy transformation. For instance, we can represent air condition using humidity, pressure, and temperature values with a vector that has three features and we can understand the similarity of two different air measurements using cosine-similarity of two vectors. But if we are dealing with a general ontology tree, which has elements "entity"as t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Performance Comparison of Deep and Machine Learning Approaches Toward COVID-19 Detection

Buket İşler

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a disease declared a global pan-demic that threatens the whole world. Since then, research has accelerated and varied to find practical solutions for the early detection and correct identification of this disease. Several researchers have focused on using the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques in disease diagnosis to diagnose and detect the coronavirus. This paper developed deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML)-based models using laboratory findings to diagnose COVID-19. Six different methods are used in this study: K -nearest neighbor (KN ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Battle Royale Optimizer with a New Movement Strategy

Sara Akan | Taymaz Akan

Gamed-based is a new stochastic metaheuristics optimization category that is inspired by traditional or digital game genres. Unlike SI-based algorithms, individuals do not work together with the goal of defeating other individuals and winning the game. Battle royale optimizer (BRO) is a Gamed-based metaheuristic optimization algorithm that has been recently proposed for the task of continuous problems. This paper proposes a modified BRO (M-BRO) in order to improve balance between exploration and exploitation. For this matter, an additional movement operator has been used in the movement strate ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Irregular 64 PDM Controlled Wireless Power Transfer for Pecise Power Control

Güngör Bal

The power control techniques used in wireless charging systems can be divided into two classes: variable frequency and fixed frequency. In variable frequency power control, the efficiency of the charging system decreases when it is operated outside the zero-phase angle (ZPA). The efficiency of the wireless charging system increases when fixed frequency charging systems are operated even at ZPA frequency and under soft switching conditions. In this paper, an irregular 64-PDM controlled wireless charging system is proposed. The proposed 64-PDM controlled wireless charging system is implemented i ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Battle royale optimizer for multilevel image thresholding

Taymaz Akan

Image segmentation, the process of partitioning an image into meaningful regions, is a fundamental step in image processing, crucial for applications like computer vision, medical imaging, and object recognition. Image segmentation is an essential step of image processing that directly affects its success. Among the methods used for image segmentation, histogram-based thresholding is prevalent. Two well-known approaches to histogram-based thresholding are Otsu’s and Kapur’s methods in gray images that maximize the between-class variance and the entropy measure, respectively. Both techniques we ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Grid connected photovoltaic system design an example application for İstanbul province

Vedat Esen

It is seen that the damage to the environment has increased with the use of fossil fuels around the world. It is known that studies continue to minimize the damage to the environment with alternative energy generation methods. Recently, it is seen that generating electrical energy using solar energy, known as clean energy, has an important place. With the developing semiconductor technologies, the use of photovoltaic systems is increasing day by day. The aim of this study is to estimate the amount of energy that will be produced by simulating and modeling the performance of PV (Photovoltaic) s ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Exploring the Impact of CLAHE Processing on Disease Classes ‘Effusion,’ ‘Infiltration,’ ‘Atelectasis,’ and ‘Mass’ in the NIH Chest XRay Dataset Using VGG16 and ResNet50 Architectures

Onur Osman | Vedat Esen

In this study, transfer learning was applied to VGG16 and ResNet50 models using the NIH Chest X-ray Dataset to classify chest X-ray images. The models were fine-tuned without altering their weights, leveraging previously learned knowledge from a different task for application in a new task. A distinctive aspect of this research involved the selection of images specific to the ‘Effusion,’ ‘Infiltration,’ ‘Atelectasis,’ and ‘Mass’ diseases, creating dedicated train, test, and validation datasets. Copies of the original images were subjected to Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CL ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Comparison of Simulation Results for 25 kW Power Output Rooftop PV System

Vedat Esen

The use of electrical energy from renewable energy sources has increased considerably in recent years. Photovoltaic (PV) solar energy, which is one of the renewable energy sources, takes its source from the sun, which is considered an unlimited source. With the widespread use of photovoltaic systems, some legal regulations by governments have been made for their installation. Simulation programs are used for the design, layout, technical and economic analysis of PV systems. In this study, the design is made using the PVsyst, PV*SOL, Solarius programs, and the PVGIS website used in PV systems. ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Real-Time Live Insult Analysis on Twitter-X Social Media Platform

Fatih Şahin

Real-time insult analysis could help platforms identify and filter out harmful content promptly, promoting a healthier online environment and reducing the spread of negativity. Identifying and addressing insults in real-time, platforms can enhance user experience by fostering more civil and respectful interactions among users. It requires robust algorithms capable of accurately detecting insults across various languages and contexts while ensuring user privacy and minimizing false positives. In this study, sentiment analysis was conducted using Turkish Twitter data. The data was analyzed by ap ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Detection of Printing Errors in 3D Printers Using Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing Methods

Harun Baydoğan

This article aims to employ artificial intelligence and image processing methods for the detection of print errors in three-dimensional (3D) printers. 3D printers represent a technology that offers various advantages; however, errors may occur during or after the printing process. These errors can impact the print quality, reliability, and functionality. Therefore, it is crucial to detect and prevent printing errors. In this research, image processing and artificial intelligence methods will be utilized to automatically identify, classify, and measure printing errors. These methods will take i ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

LED Işık Kaynaklı Solar Simülatörler Üzerine İnceleme Survey on LED Light Source Solar Simulators

Vedat Esen

Bu çalışmada; fotovoltaik cihazların testlerini gerçekleştiren ve son yıllarda kullanımı giderek artan LED ışık kaynaklı solar simülatörler incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla giriş kısmında yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından güneş enerjisinin önemi vurgulanmış, solar simülatörlerin tanımı ve gerekliliği açıklanmıştır. Sonraki bölümlerde ise güneş ışığı detayları belirtilmiş, solar simülatörlerde kullanılan diğer ışık kaynakları incelenmiş, LED ışık kaynaklarının diğerlerine göre farkları ortaya konulmuştur. LED solar simülatörler için ASTM E927-10 ve IEC- 60904-9 standartlarında belirtilen performans k ...Daha fazlası

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