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Erişime Açık

Software Quality Measurement Modelling Using AHP and Promethee Methods

Metin Zontul

As competition in tlie industries relying on software increases, software product quality has become a prominent factor in the competition since quality issues within software-applications have a drastic effect on the organizations' reputation, and their customers experience. It has become more important to define and follow software quality metrics in order to determine the current situation in terms of quality of the developed software applications and to ensure continuous improvement. Within the scope of this paper, software products belonging to a technology company were ranked in terms of ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Patient privacy in smart cities by blockchain technology and feature selection with Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO) algorithm and machine learning

Haedar Al-Safi | Jorge Munilla | Cevat Rahebi

A medical center in the smart cities of the future needs data security and confidentiality to treat patients accurately. One mechanism for sending medical data is to send information to other medical centers without preserving confidentiality. This method is not impressive because in treating people, the privacy of medical information is a principle. In the proposed framework, the opinion of experts from other medical centers for the treatment of patients is received and consider the best therapy. The proposed method has two layers. In the first layer, data transmission uses blockchain. In the ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Differential Diagnosis of Diabetic Foot with Deep Learning Methods

Gökalp Tulum

Diabetic foot complications, caused by prolonged hyperglycemia, are a significant health concern among diabetes patients. The majority of patients develop diabetic foot complications, contributing significantly to diabetes-related hospital admissions. These complications include foot ulcers, infections, ischemia, Charcot foot, and neuropathy. They also increase the risk of amputation, affecting quality of life and putting strain on healthcare systems. At this stage, early diagnosis plays a vital role. The process of diagnosing involves not only identifying the presence or absence of a disease, ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

Human retinal optic disc detection with grasshopper optimization algorithm

Cevat Rahebi

A growing number of qualified ophthalmologists are promoting the need to use computer-based retinal eye processing image recognition technologies. There are differ- ent methods and algorithms in retinal images for detecting optic discs. Much attention has been paid in recent years using intelligent algorithms. In this paper, in the human retinal images, we used the Grasshopper optimization algorithm to implement a new automated method for detecting an optic disc. The clever algorithm is influenced by the social nature of the grasshopper, the intelligent Grasshopper algorithm. Include this algo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Is There Any Advantage of Machine Learning to Multivariate Regression Analysis for Predicting Disease-Related Deaths in Patients with Gastric Cancer? Reevaluation of Retrospective Data

Umut Kaya

OBJECTIVE The problem in gastric cancer patients is multifactorial and it is not possible to use one factor alone to predict disease survival. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have become popular in the medical field, recently. We aimed to evaluate the power of ML algorithms for predicting deaths due to gastric cancer. METHODS We reevaluated the retrospective data published. Seven different ML algorithms (logistic regression [LR], artificial neural networks/multilayer perceptron, gradient boosted trees, support vector machine, random forest, naive Bayes, and probabilistic neural network) tried ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Internet of things security: A multi-agent-based defense system design

Hakan Aydın

The increasing Internet of Things (IoT) network complexity and sophisticated Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks at machine speeds make accurate and timely detection and mitigation of these attacks a challenging activity. This study presents a multi-agent-based system design (MAS-IoT) against DDoS attacks in the IoT network. The MAS-IoT consists of different types of agents which communicate using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). In the context of the study, DDoS attacks were detected using a long-short-term memory (LSTM)-based model (LSTMIoT) developed based on the CIC-IoT-2022 da ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık


Cevat Rahebi

The ambulance routing problem is one of the capacitated ambulance routing problem forms. It deals with injuries and their requests for saving. Therefore, the main aim of the ambulance routing problem is to determine the minimum (i.e., optimum) required distances of between: 1) accident places and the ambulance station; 2) the location of the nearest hospital and the accident places. Although of the efforts proposed in the literature, determining the optimum route is crucial. Therefore, this article seeks to tackle ambulance vehicle routing in smart cities using Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO) ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Prediction and classification of pressure injuries by deep learning

Atinc Yilmaz | Hamiyet Kizil | Umut Kaya | Ridvan Cakir | Melek Demiral

Pressure injuries are a serious medical problem that both negatively affects the patient's quality of life and results in significant healthcare costs. In cases where a patient doesn't receive appropriate treatment and care, death may result. Nurses play critical roles in the prevention, care, and treatment of pressure injuries as members of the healthcare team who closely monitor the health status of the patient. Today, the use of artificial intelligence is becoming more prevalent in healthcare, as in many other areas. Artificial intelligence is a method that aims to solve complex problems by ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A comparative neural networks and neuro-fuzzy based REBA methodology in ergonomic risk assessment: An application for service workers

Bahar Yalçın Kavuş

Non-ergonomic working conditions are the leading causes of musculoskeletal disorders that seriously affect human health. REBA is widely used tool due to its convenience and consideration of all body parts. However, it heavily relies on the subjective judgments of the assessor, leading to inconsistencies in results, and lacks sensitivity in detecting small changes in ergonomic risk factors. Therefore, there is a need to improve the REBA method by integrating it with new technologies. While a few studies have proposed integrating ergonomic risk measurement tools with ANNs, there is a research ga ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Chaotic Sand Cat Swarm Optimization

Sajjad Nematzadeh Miandoab

In this study, a new hybrid metaheuristic algorithm named Chaotic Sand Cat Swarm Optimization (CSCSO) is proposed for constrained and complex optimization problems. This algorithm combines the features of the recently introduced SCSO with the concept of chaos. The basic aim of the proposed algorithm is to integrate the chaos feature of non-recurring locations into SCSO's core search process to improve global search performance and convergence behavior. Thus, randomness in SCSO can be replaced by a chaotic map due to similar randomness features with better statistical and dynamic properties. In ...Daha fazlası

Süresiz Ambargo

A hybrid firefly and particle swarm optimization algorithm applied to multilevel image thresholding

Taymaz Akan

There are many techniques for conducting image analysis and pattern recognition. This papers explores a way to optimize one of these techniques-image segmentation-with the help of a novel hybrid optimization algorithm. Image segmentation is mostly used for a semantic segmentation of images, and thresholding is one the most common techniques for performing this segmentation. Otsu's and Kapur's thresholding methods are two well-known approaches, both of which maximize the between-class variance and the entropy measure, respectively, in a gray image histogram. Both techniques were developed for b ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A Brain MRI Segmentation Method Using Feature Weighting and a Combination of Efficient Visual Features

Taymaz Akan

Determining the area of brain tumors is an essential and fundamental step in automatic diagnosis and treatment systems. The authors present a method based on a combination of efficient visual features and fuzzy c-means clustering to detect brain tumors. For this purpose, first, the background area of the images is removed by the new thresholding method, then the useful and efficient features are extracted. The authors use this new feature space for clustering-based segmentation. The proposed clustering algorithm gives a different importance to the extracted features in the segmentation process ...Daha fazlası

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